Since 2003 I have made Car Models & Engines Database for my personal use so it was made “as I wanted“… since I launched it for sale in 2012, some customers refuse to purchase it because it is not made “as they wants“, is too complex, containing too much data, etc. I see the necessity of a simpler car list with just engine list and no additional specifications!
SAMPLE of 2 possible formats: Car Engines Database.xls.
YOU have the chance to decide how to develop a new, simpler Car Engine List! VOTE in below poll and leave comments!
As June 2014, I discussed with a customer and he choose Proposal 2, with separate rows for each body style, FWD/AWD, but also suggested to add Fuel Type column. I will rebuild this database in November 2014 after next main yearly update (or earlier if I get votes and feedback from at least 5 people).
Final SAMPLE: Car Engines Database without performance data.xls.
Due of high interest from people, in August 2014 I decided to sell a version of existing Engine Database with performance data removed. Removing columns created duplicate rows, some marked and deleted, there are still few hundred duplicate rows, extensive check-through is to be done next months to mark all duplicates and I will launch final version in November. You have 2-3 months left to propose changes!
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New proposal: Engine list in 4 columns, changed in December 2014 according suggestion of an auto parts website looking for engine list in 3-4 columns to make a drop-down list, instead of table form with large number of columns. Hierarchy changed, per body style instead of per model platform.
I showed it to 3 previous customers asking if they agree to change entire database to this format… NO ONE liked the new format. If you like this format, or propose a different format, please leave a comment at bottom of page… or contact me in other ways.