I am making databases for Europe since 2003, for America since 2014 and for India since 2015… what is next to do in 2016? Maybe Australia?
If this page gets at least 10 visitors per month I will think about creating a car database for Australia!
Been disappointed by sales in America (2 per month) and India (1 per month), compared with Europe (10+ per month)… Australia population is just 24 millions = 1/13 of United States population. If I create a car database for Australia from personal interest as I did for other 3 continents, how many sales I should expect? One sale per 6 months? Too low sale volume to cover my investment, creating manually an original database as I did for Europe is impossible, and in case of scrapping data from an existing website and sell for ~$200 (price of American database), it hardly cover the cost of programmer and time to arrange the data each update.
Another problem is that the ONLY reliable website for Australia I know is Redbook, which as I understand from some people, they are doing own research and also selling database at a very high price, and scrapping a competitor website for purpose of reselling its data would be a big copyright issue for me and maybe for my customers too. See Glass Australia vs CarListDB lawsuit.
Does anyone know any Australian website that is reliable and allow scrapping and using their data for commercial purpose?
Alternatively I can offer scrapping service just for you, without public sale on website (since an Australian car database will hardly to get sales), I can scrap any website at your choice but you need to pay full cost of my programmer partner.
News: as June 2017 I got 3 people interested in purchasing an Australian car database, after discussing with all 3 I decided to scrap Redbook. The full database will be have 92000+ cars from 1960-2017 and about 100 columns. I will sell it various packages (no specs, basic specs, full specs / new cars only or full historical coverage) at prices varying from 40 to 400 euro.