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Car Models List & Timeline


The original version of Car Models List in .DOC format, started in 2003. It dates back from the childhood hobby for writing book-style printer-friendly documents in Word (although I never printed it and I guess that nobody will do this).

This file is intended for READING only. If you are web developer you are advised to purchase Car Models list in XLS format, easily to dump into a MySQL database, it does cost few $ because web developers are supposed to make profit. If you really do not want to pay $ for Excel version and prefer this FREE Word version, please inform me how many hours you spent to make this .DOC ready to be dumped in MySQL.

2003-2014 editions vs 2015 edition
Now it is black & white, printer-friendly (although I believe that nobody will want to print this)
Car Models List Car Models List


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Coverage: all cars produced in Europe, all cars and trucks produced in America, and all cars produced in Asia for European market. Due to difficulties about multi-market model lineups, the Car Models List .DOC is NOT COMPLETE for cars produced in Asia for domestic market or for American market, instead the Car Models List Worldwide .XLS is complete, and include regular updates.

Since its launch in December 2012, although I keep adding new models in the .DOC at random times of year and launch a new edition each year, I never checked the .DOC version against Excel version to guarantee completion. Also over time when I found errors I corrected them only in Excel version.

List of updates:
2011 edition: 65 brands on 70 pages. 195 KB file.
June 2012 edition: 75 brands on 80 pages, 266 KB file.
November 2012 edition: 88 brands on ? pages, ? KB file
March 2014 edition: 119 brands on 100 pages, 267 KB file.
May 2015 edition: 138 brands on 62 pages, 421 KB file. First change of format in its 12-year history. Previous editions had each brand starting on a new page (except about 20 minor brands which were showed on the last 4 pages of file), this caused many pages to be mostly white with few row of text at top… the 2015 edition have entire list of models on 2 columns with NO page breaks, this provide a constant amount of text on every page. Added an empty low below class too, not just above, to make the text better spaced apart.

Car Models Timeline

Same vehicles like in Car Models List but displayed in an easy-to-visualize timeline chart.
The Car Models Timeline exclude brands with less than 2 continuous model lines.


Buy FULL file:

Started in 2003.
June 2012 edition: 69 brands included.
March 2014 edition: 86 brand included, 547 KB file.
May 2015 edition: 97 brands included, 595 KB file.

More details & change log.

Don’t have 1 EURO? I can give you for FREE… just contact me!

In 2013 the Car Models List & Timeline were downloadable in full version via a plain link.

In 2014 the Car Models List & Timeline were posted in Simple eCommerce’s plugin product grid at €0.00 price but since the plugin is for paid downloads only, you still had to go through PayPal checkout and do a null payment, so I posted also a SAMPLE file and a message “Contact me if you want this, I will email you for FREE“, in one year, 3 people contacted me for Car Models Timeline and 1 for Car Models List.

In May 2015 I replaced Simple eCommerce plugin with Easy Digital Downloads which allow FREE downloads so the Car Models List & Timeline could be purchased for FREE via Add to cart.

I hoped they will help raising sales of paid products, because not everyone trust that will get download link automatically by email. Contrary happened: by August 2015 about 50 people have purchased the FREE products and only 1 purchased the paid product Car Models List in Excel afterwards. Also people who purchased PAID products, purchased directly without doing a test purchase of a FREE product.

I realized that leaving these products FREE reduce the sales of PAID products. This is why in September I set the price at ONE EURO. Anyone who want them for FREE can contact me.

I sent emails like the following example, to about 10 of customers who purchased them, without getting a single reply!

Hi there!
I see that you purchased Car Models List and Car Models Timeline on 25 july 2015….
I need your feedback to decide I should continue offering these products for FREE
In May 2015 I changed website plugin to one that allow free downloads, the idea was people that do not trust the automatic delivery system to do a TEST purchase of a free product, then purchase the actual database they are needing, hoping to increase sales. But contrary happened, sales felt down since May. I done a lot of changes last 2 months but still did not succeeded to bring sale volume to previous level. Maybe offering too much for free is the reason?
I see that you opened the SAMPLE files of Year-Make-Model, Car Models Database, Car Models & Engines, etc…. but didn’t purchased any of them after purchasing the free products.
Are these two free products really satisfying you thus you don’t need to purchase the paid products? Or you were disappointed by the free products thus didn’t returned to purchase more? Or you purchased just because saw them FREE and you were not really interested in them, probably you deleted them afterwards?

Future updates

During whole year of 2016:
Car Models List DOC got 4 people buying at 1 euro plus 1 asking to be given for FREE
Car Models Timeline XLS got 7 people buying at 1 euro plus 2 asking to be given for FREE.
Meantime the Excel version of Car Models List got 50 people buying at 24-45 euro.

I offer updates to all databases that cost 10 euro or more. To turn the above ones into regularly updated products I should increase the price, but as you can see even when they can be given free, not many people bother asking for them. It’s pretty obvious that the Car Models List DOC and Car Models Timeline XLS are useless products.

Does not worth my effort to update them anymore! I will focus on the other databases that gets more sales.

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